Frederick Tang - Clinton Street Townhouse


Frederick Tang’s dualistic (both minimalist and preservational) renovation capitalizes on two distinct components. The 1843 townhouse is extraordinary wide, and while the exterior had stayed in tact, the interior over time had been stripped from its original condition.  At 25’ wide the home allows for a cellular configuration where kitchen en living can be disconnected, while still having a spacious living room with four tall windows overlooking a newly landscaped garden. The interior having lost most of its original detail (a fact that was used as an opportunity) was stripped of the remaining ornament to create a minimalist aesthetic. The combination of clean walls and frameless doors start to blur the distinction between the two. With their large size, the doors start to operate like movable walls, allowing the space to become private rooms of loft like spaces, depending on the doors position.

Architecture by Frederick Tang Architecture

Photography by Jordan Walters