GRT Architects - Fort Greene Townhouse


“Life has to do with walls; we're continuously going in and out, back and forth, and through them. A wall is the quickest, the thinnest, the element we're always transgressing… The wall heightens the sense of passage, and by the same token, its thinness heightens the sense of being just a momentary condition…what I call the moment of the present.” - John Heyduk

How to heighten awareness as you move from one activity to the next seems to be on the minds of Rustam-Marc Mehta and Tal Schori of GRT Architects. Much has been said in previous articles about the stair and the fresh use of color, but what I would like to focus on is the the use of the line. The lines that cut through rooms in this townhouse are not just a whimsical feature but a visual device that establishes an imaginary plane. And it is through this plane that you are transgressing from one activity to the other. From laying down to standing, from taking a bath to brushing your teeth. This plane, even thinner than a wall, intends to heighten your sense of being, and create a moment in the present.

Architecture by GRT Architects
Photography by Nicole Franzen